What’s the Inner East Bay market telling us?

The Inner East Bay market is robust. Limited supply and competition continues to drive the SOLD price number on single family homes. So let’s divide into the numbers and see how the market has changed between Jan-Feb 2021 and Jan-Feb 2022.

Quite the spread here and a classic example of the ever-increasing "sold" price for single family houses in Berkeley between Jan-Feb in 2021 vs Jan-Feb 2022. It’s also important to note these $ numbers reflect 60 homes sold in 2021 and 66 homes sold in 2022.

North Oakland (94608 and 94609) where the two zip codes are separated by Shattuck Ave (west is 94608 and east is 94609) for the most part. The story of the early million dollar market to mid-million plus is in full effect. 94610 by Lake Merritt is a mixed bag of house styles and house sizes and thin supply. Rockridge continues to impress with the ability to MAINTAIN value and popularity despite a small supply of inventory.

These numbers indicate what used to be quieter months (beginning of the year) are no longer; showcasing continual pent-up demand and no real "slow season".

This is just some of the information I use with buyers and sellers alike when talking about the market. It is not the whole story of course as data only takes you so far. Reach out if you want to talk numbers.


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